Happy Halloween

After much anticipation and planning, Halloween has finally arrived.  After many costume changes and trick or treating ideas, the candy gathering will finally begin.

Many Disney princesses , ghost, ghouls and unicorns were in the running;  but a genie costume won the popular vote by the girls.

My wishes were granted

After a morning Halloween parade at Ava’s school,  lunch, trick or treating in a small town in New Jersey on a bootiful fall day, I would say the girls had a fantastic day.  This was just the beginning.  The festivities would continue after dinner.

My highlight of the day was not only in the joy of seeing the girls  receiving, but in seeing the giving spirit of Ava.  We were walking to the next door to collect more loot when she asked where the beautiful music was coming from.  I told her it was the man sitting on the ground playing his flute.  Her and her mother walked over and placed money in the man’s flute case.  Then she came back to us and asked if she could share her candy with him.  I love her giving spirit.


Have a fantasticical, spookytaculer Halloween!