Cooking Again

I don’t get to see Ava as much as Liv because of kindergarten, after school activities and friends. Oh boy, the days of seeing her daily certainly has changed, but the time spent with her is still so much fun.

I set my play date with her and she arrived with the biggest hugs and love I could ask.

First things first…homework. That done, I asked her what she would like to do, and while she was thinking I would be making meatballs for dinner. She immediately said she wanted help me.

We love cooking together.

She is getting really good at cooking. Soon I’ll be handing over the baton. Haha, she has lots of other things to do first. Like be a doctor. That is what she told me she wanted to be. I said, “plastic surgeon, dermatologist, perhaps geriatric..all of which I need. No, “I want to work with everyone” Ok, general practice. I explained what that doctor does and yes, this what she wanted…to help everyone.

On to the zucchini fries. She loved making them but didn’t like getting her hands yucky. She liked shaking them in the bag to our song Shake, Shake, Shake…Shake your “zucchi”.

It is always fun to spend time with both my girls. I love talking while cooking. You learn alot. I’ll have to have another play date penciled in real soon.

Two Happy Princesses and One Happy Gia

Last night we went to Disney on Ice Frozen.  If you read the previous post, Things Don’t Always Work Out,  from November, you will remember our plans were thrown off by a a snowstorm and a very sick little Livie.  Originally, we were scheduled to go into the city to see Frozen on Broadway.  Those plans were changed to Newark, the Prudential Center, for Disney on Ice Frozen.  My daughter this might be an easier plan and it was. 

The look of awe and amazement on their little faces was priceless

Sometimes things don’t work out as you imagined, but another plan may work as well.  Ask Liv!  If there hadn’t been a snowstorm the first time we tried, she would have missed out.  It was so much better having the whole family with us.

Liv umm Elsa doing her happy dance

The guys came too!

Pre show dinner….Guys & Dolls

It is so heat warming for my husband and I seeing the girls enjoying.

The Morning After still in character.  Ava says she wants to wear her Ana all day long

Undecorating or Deconstructing Christmas

Today was a bittersweet day.  I decided to take down the decorations around the house.  Although, I love the way the house  looks when it is decorated, I also like the uncluttered look of “undecorated”.

Getting the Stink Eye from Tucker

I reminisce just as much when I take down the ornaments as when I put them up.  I use it as my quiet time to reflect.  Tucker joined me in taking down the tree.  Although he didn’t do much but give me the “look”.  I felt bad for him  He kind of  liked  the tree.  He’s so human, I thought I saw a tear.

Well I separated all the ornaments in to keeps and throws (actually donates), my husband put the tree to the curb (I know it still has hidden decorations on it) which I probably won’t miss til next year, if at all.  The needles are swept and the house is back to “normal” .  I await the next holiday …oh yeah, my Valentine dishrag is out already.

P.S.  Michael, I had a tough time finding that pickle.  You hid it well.

In a pickle!  What a wrinkly wrist.