Tent Time

In preparation for the storms predicated in the northeast, my ingenious daughter and SIL decided to pitch a tent in their living room.

They filled the tent with three blow up mattresses and were planning a sleep out in their living room. Did I mention the girls love a good sleep over.

Judging by these pics, it was a very large tent which took up a portion of their living room.

They not only used the tent for a house, but also as a stage for what else, …Frozen, Elsa and Ana.

The Disney on Ice, Frozen, show really did bring Elsa and Ana front and center again. How appropriate a snow storm and Frozen production.

Our Ana
Ana again, singing
And there is our Elsa.

I heard they had a really, really, really fun time. Mom and dad weren’t as lucky, they both had backaches to to contend with.

The weather in our area wasn’t as bad as predicted, but I’m sure the girls can’t wait for more snowy weather.

This post is a little late; but had to share.