Looking Forward and Behind

We are heading into the New Year very shortly. It is always a melancholy time for me. I take these last days of the current year to look back and reflect all that life has offered me.

I am grateful for my life with all its ups and downs.

I enjoyed my childhood and have very fond memories but I also know it wasn’t perfect. It was perfect for me. My teenage years were also memorable when I met the love of my life and then adulthood when I started to figure out what really matters.

During the downs I’ve tried to remain positive and move my life in forward position. During the ups I just fly with it, take it all in and continue to move forward.

Some of my loves…my family, being a Gia, being a wife, mother, having friends who are like family, Tucker, the beach. Yeah, and some material things. I realize they don’t mean so much, but they can be fun.

Each year there Is more and more to reflect on and my life seems like little vignettes of different mes along the way. It is like a chapter in a book.

We’ll once again it is time to re open the book and start a new chapter. I’ll call this chapter 2019. I look forward to embracing all it has to offer. I already have some joyous times to look forward.

This all sounds a little depressing, but it is joyful because I’ve made it to this point and look ahead to the New Year.