Eat Cake and Cupcakes, of course!

Here is Ava describing what we are making today.


Counting how many to make

Counting Cupcakes

Adding the batter and other ingredients

Ava did a great job decorating the finished cupcakes, plus we had extra to make a cake too.  She wasn’t so aggressive when decorating the cupcakes, but I turned my back for a second, just one second and the bottle of pink sugar was on her “Pinkalicious” cake.  I must say it turned out beautiful and was PinkaDelicious.

The finished product.

Livie was feeling under the weather so Ava made the cupcakes to cheer her up.  Livie did not get to try the cupcakes because her mom read there was a recall on confetti style cake batter.  She dumped the cake and cupcakes later to find out this brand was not recalled.  Oh well, the thought was there and better safe than sorry.  I’m sure Livie will join in for the next batch making session.