Curse Words!!

While driving my granddaughters to lunch, out of the blue, my five year old granddaughter informed me that she was not allowed to say bad words. No surprises there.  She continued to giggle.  Ok, what’s going on, why did you bring this up.

She continued to tell me she sometimes “practices” bad words at night before falling asleep.  I had to do all I could to keep from giggling.  I kept my composure and asked her if this “practice” happened before or after she said her prayers. After, of course.

I suggested she might not want to do that because first, we don’t swear and second, we may confuse God if he heard all those words coming at him at the same time.  She didn’t reply for a while.  She decided she was going to ask her pops his opinion on this subject.  More giggles.  Amen